Friday, March 27, 2009

hungry woman!

My stomach was rumbling all through my last class today (que embarassing!) so I knew I should have a volume-riffic lunch.

Let’s back up to breakfast, though, which started up with an invigorating cup of this:


Mate, my fave! Apparently the compounds in it are related to caffeine, but are generally easier on your system. I love the taste of mate. Some consider it bitter, but number one I don’t think it is, I’d call it… smoky, almost? And second of all, I don’t mind bitter.

I also had peanut butter and banana oats.


Everyone else on the internet already put peanut butter on their oats. I only recently began doing it… man is it good! After I took this picture I smeared it around to get some in every bite. There’s also cinnamon in there, mm.


My great big lunch! A tasty salad, pina colada light ‘n fit, the last of my muffins topped with Trader Joe’s cranberry apple butter (SO GOOD!), and half an apple.


My veggies were mixed greens (I knew I wanted a salad for lunch because I worry about my greens going bad- it’s hard to be just one person and have to finish a whole bag!), radishes, the last of the broccoli, and cucs. I also tossed in about a tsp of lemon dressing.


This salad was vair proteiny, which will hopefully help fill me up. Hard boiled egg (beautiful, eh? I cover the eggs with cold water in a saucepan, bring it just to a boil, then turn off the heat and let the residual heat from my electric stove  cook it for one minute, then remove from heat, let cover, let sit for 11 minutes, and throw in an ice bath. Et voila!), plus hummus, plus I had the yogurt protein as well.

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